Drew on Water and Energy Conservation

Drew on Water and Energy Conservation ...

Drew is an activist for energy and water conservation
I am Drew Martin, candidate for Lake Worth Beach City Commission. I am asking for your vote on Tuesday, March 9, 2021.
Drew on Water and Energy Conservation…

Drew Martin completed degrees from the oldest high school west of the Mississippi, the University of California at Davis, University of California at Berkeley and business school in Arizona. He studied business and computer science. Drew sought to combine his interests in technology, environment and energy conservation.  One of his first job assignments was to analyze energy usage and make conservation recommendations for 1200 branch sites with 85,000 employees. Saving energy saved the company significant resources

Drew’s website is running on a Service Provider engine that uses Green Energy on the web.

Eco Friendly Site

For two terms Drew was elected to the Palm Beach County Soil and Water Conservation District winning more than 57% of the vote with 226,308 votes. One purpose of the District is to promote water conservation. Saving water saves money.

The Soil and Water Conservation District operates mobile irrigation labs that promote water conservation by using technology to spot water leaks and inefficiencies in irrigation systems.  In one case a Soil and Water Conservation District provided enough savings to purchase a new fire engine. 

In Lake Worth Beach Drew believes we can improve the irrigation systems citywide particularly on the city golf course to save money and reduce water waste. Irrigation on medians can be focused onto the plants without overflow into the street.

More native plants, requiring less water, and irrigation improvements at the Beach Casino Complex will save water. Solar panels on the Casino can make energy, save money and bring revenue to the city. Any power derived from solar panels supplements the energy needs of the city and reduces overall energy expenses. The more we can conserve energy and water the more we can reduce our citizens utility bills and stay competitive with other municipalities.
Drew on Water and Energy Conservation

Paid by Drew Martin for City Commission

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