Voting Sites 2021

1. Sunlight Community Church

(precincts 3034, 3036 and 3038)

1325 North "A" Street

2. First Congregational Church 

(precincts 3040, 3042 and 3064)

1415 North "K" Street

3. Our Savior Lutheran Church

(precincts 3052, 3058, 3060, 3062, 3066 and 3076)

1615 Lake Avenue

4. St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 

(precinct 3068)

100 North Palmway

5. Lakeside United Methodist Church 

(precinct 3078)

1801 12th Avenue South

6. South Grade Elementary 

(precinct 7160)

716 South "K" St.

7. Osborne Community Center 

(precincts 7162 & 7164)

1699 Wingfield Street